Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Upcoming Electainment

I find it hard to believe that the current generation of educated individuals hold the electoral process in high regard. It seems that, with all the media attention, that it has far surpassed the point of legitimate politics. What with televised coverage of every action the candidates make and recorded evidence of every word they speak, it has become more of a reality TV show than a campaign trail.

This election in particular has really brought this to the surface. It just feels like I am watching low-quality entertainment. The sad thing is, this is real life. This isn't reality tv where people throw chairs and get drunk and have jobs pretending to be actors while living a house or trying to find out if their ex is cheating on them by going to a scripted hotel. This is real life. This is an election.

But just look at what is happening here. It's the most fantastic and dramatic circle of back stabbing, betrayal, and ignorance the world has ever seen! Let me break down the candidates for you how I see them:


Obama: Is he black? Is he Muslim? Does he even like America? Who knows, and quite frankly, who cares! He's different, he's quiet, he seems to know a lot about something, though for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. But hey, he's nice, and that's what counts, especially in a world where everyone is trying to kill one-another.

McCain: A man so old that the silver in his fillings was brewed in the earth shortly after he was conceived. He is running for president with the one slogan that could ruin any man: "I support Bush". What with Bush's political support ratings currently less than Nixon's during his impeachment proceedings, it makes you wonder why a man would sell his career down the drain before it even begins.


Hillary: A guaranteed victor in this role of "second-best", Hillary is known for her amazing ability to manipulate the world with her mind controlling abilities. It is believed that if you stare directly into her eyes, she will steal your soul from your body, and make you her mindless slave. She is the only one with any real intelligence, playing the cards to her total advantage. She has realized that, with Obama being the most likely President to be assassinated in the history of the United States, and McCain being almost 7,000 years old, she sees the opportunity to be President without even needing to put forth any effort.

I'm sorry, but it's completely undeniable that this election is purely for the entertainment of the viewers. It goes from comedy, to drama, to romance, to... anything before you even have time to judge it.

So welcome, to Electainment TV!

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