Today, I want to talk about that incredible urge one gets to kill something. Now, I know that for some of you, this feeling may have never actually arisen. I also realize that many of you fully believe it has, but when push comes to shove, you would never actually be able to kill the person or thing in question. I was one of these people up until about two weeks ago.
My target is a puppy. Yes, I know, a cute innocent little puppy. Wrong. He's the least intelligent creature on the planet, and it needs to be terminated immediately. He is a yelper. For those who don't know what a yelper is, it's a dog with a super high-pitched voice that splits into your brain every single time it lets out a call. It also chews everything, and no matter how much you try to train it otherwise, it always shits and pisses all over the house. Here is the culprit.

So why do I want to kill him? I don't know. I've never had this desire before, but with Jude, it is unavoidable. Last night, I even dreamed that I drowned him in a vat of marmalade. Why marmalade? Beats me- all I know is the pup was dead and I was happy. Shame it was only a dream...
So, what about you- what have you wanted to murder without reason?
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