Monday, June 11, 2007

The End of the Tube

I was brushing my teeth this morning, which usually is a routine I enjoy immensely. Today, however, was the "end of the tube" day. For those of you who aren't adamant teeth cleaners, let me explain. When your tube reaches the point where around 20% of the original amount is left, you have reached the end of the tube. I realize that yes, there is more toothpaste in the tube, but as far as the ability to get to it goes, you are at the end of the tube.

When I brush, I usually put toothpaste on my toothbrush at least three times during a single brushing experience. Today, I was hindered. See, somewhere along the line of creating toothpaste, someone came up with the most frustrating and messy way to apply it to a toothbrush. For further reasons which I simply don't understand, almost every toothpaste company has adopted this terrible toothpaste tubing technique. By the end of the tube, there's always a rim of toothpaste around the lid, the toothpaste is so spread across the tube it's impossible to get out, and for some reason it seems like all the minty flavor is gone. That last one baffles me. How does that happen?

Back to my story. I managed to gather enough toothpaste at the end of the tube to apply one serving on my toothbrush. I brushed, and brushed, and spat, and spat, and then tried to apply round two. Nothing. This is the mystery of the current toothpaste tube. When 21% of the toothpaste is left, you have no problem getting it out. At 20%, it becomes difficult. At 19%, it is almost impossible. It's obvious there's more in there, but I'd be damned if anyone can get it out without spending five minutes working the tube.

I don't have time for that. It's morning. I'm tired.

I used up the rest of my mouthwash and went to class to take an exam. The second I got out, I went to Wal Mart and bought more toothpaste. I don't like wasting things, but beyond the 20% threshold, I'm willing to make an exception.

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