So here's the scoop. Gordon Brown is my new Prime Minister. You think I would be happy about this, wouldn't you. I mean, Blair is finally gone, and I don't have to deal with a lapdog as a Prime Minister anymore. Yes, Gordon Brown says he wants to "repair" England, bring back all those businesses we have lost: For example, British Gas, which is by no means owned by the British. Gordon Brown wants to bring power back to the people, give us what we have been demanding for years, and make England great again. Awesome.
Utter bullshit! That's what it is. Complete and utter bullshit. You have no idea how difficult it is to dodge through the media when piles of animal crap are being flung left and right. I'm telling you, I have almost been hit several times by flying dung!
Here's how I see it. Gordon Brown ran unopposed. No one ran against him. We didn't even vote! So, how easy is it to run your campaign "I want to do everything right!" when there is no one to oppose you! Worst part: People bought it! People got so suckered in that no one even bothered to say "hey, I wanna run for PM!" I'm sorry, I have a bit of a problem following someone who was self appointed, because that's pretty much what happened here.
What makes matters worse? The Queen has asked Prime Minister Brown to "reshape the government". Am I the only one that sees the possibilities here? I'm sorry, maybe I've been watching too much Star Wars, but last I checked, asking a self appointed government leader to rearrange the government is not usually the best idea.
But hell, what do I know, I didn't even vote!
Update 6-30-07: I was skimming through this post and realized I had left out one of the most important pieces of information attacking my system. I realize that not many American's fully understand the system, so let me explain: The reason we didn't vote was because there was no party switch. Blair stepped down, so the party (which is what gets elected) picked a person to replace him. That's how it works, and what I am pointing out is that I disagree with this system- So, as you read, take that into context.
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