Today is a day of fun questions from me to you. This is a game, so don't feel bad about your answers. No one is judging you, except yourself... and anyone else you may talk to about this... and me. I'm always judging you. But, still, let's play! Here we are going to put your Moral Compass to the test. It's okay if you can't come to a definate decision, or if you find yourself changing your mind at a later time. I am going to try and be the magnet that will distort your compass' reading. What fun!
Imagine that there was a cure for heart disease, the number one killer of Americans. But, in order to harvest enough of this cure for 1,000 people, we would have to kill one Adult. Now, this Adult would be homeless, familyless, and jobless. They in no way would contribute to society. Their death would, however, mean saving the lives of 1,000 other people who may have families, may be raising children, may be hard workers, and may be constant contributors to charities across the world.
Would you do it?
If you said no, then the game is over for you. Keep reading anyhow, because I have a feeling you may change your mind later. Let's push the button, shall we? What if it was only for 500 cures? Would you do it then? What about for 100? Or 50? Where would your cutoff be?
Lets assume then that the chips are stacked in order of societal value. That homeless, jobless, anti-family individual would provide enough heart disease cure for 25 individuals. A person with a low paying job living in a hostel would provide 50 cures. A person with a small home, a spouse, and a low income job would provide 200 cures. And a well paid individual who donates 60% of their paycheck to charity and helps get babies off the streets while looking after their 12 adopted children from third world countries would provide 10,000 cures. Would the ends justify the means? Which of these would you kill to save the lives of their specified number?
Would you kill them if the cure wasn't targeted just to heart disease? What if it cured anything? Would you do away with these people then?
Think about it. You may have to make this decision one day. I'm just preparing you.
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