Saturday, September 8, 2007


I can't really remember if I ever wrote about this, so just in case I did, I'll keep this introduction short. There was a monumental breakthrough in the elemental experiments devision of our scientific world. Apparently, we discovered an element with all of the properties of Kryptonite. Naturally, this opens up a world of possibilities for us. For starters, if ever a member of Krypton arrives on our planet, we can remove him from the gene pool. I'm sure there are other reasons why this would be a fantastic discovery, but right now, I can't think of any.

Still, this does raise further questions. I've always wondered this, being both a Superman fan and a Star Wars fan. Who would win in a battle to the death: Darth Vader or Superman? Obviously, there are many factors that would determine the outcome of such an amazing battle, all of which should be taken into account before deciding on a victor. Let's get to cracking this mystery!

We'll start with a basic one-on-one battle. Neither of the combatants has anything but their natural abilities. The most important question is where would they be fighting? Obviously, if they are fighting in the Star Wars universe, Superman would have to hope that there is a yellow sun nearby (for those who don't know, Superman's powers come from a yellow sun). If the the planet they are near happens to possess a red sun, Superman would be nothing more than a regular human. So, in that situation, I would say Darth Vader would win.

Score: Darth Vader: 1   Superman: 0

Of course, if the two were to fight under the same conditions, except in an environment in which there was a yellow sun, Superman would most definately obliterate Darth Vader. The force should never be underestimated, but a man who cannot be destroyed would definitely be a powerful adversary. I am holding strong and giving Superman the following point.

Score: Darth Vader: 1   Superman: 1

Now, we all know that Darth Vader would never enter a situation that he knew he could not win. He learned that lesson fighting Obi-wan. So, I think it's safe to assume that before Darth Vader challenged Superman (who is a kind hearted individual and would never challenge Darth Vader for fear of making an enemy), Darth Vader would search high and low for a Kryptonite crystal. He would then install said crystal into his lightsaber, causing a beam of pure energy consisting of nothing but Superman's greatest weakness; Kryptonite. Of course, at this point, Darth Vader would undoubtedly have the battle in the palm of his hand. This bumps the score up in Darth Vader's favour.

Score: Darth Vader: 2   Superman: 1

What about Krypton? I don't think the planet blew up as the histories say it does. Darth Vader is an intelligent and powerful man. He has a Death Star at his disposal, after all. Ever wonder why that beam of energy the Death Star shoots is green? Let me enlighten you on the truth that George Lucas never wanted you to know: The Death Star is powered by a Kryptonite crystal! With this information at hand, it is safe to assume that Darth Vader saw the potential threat of the Kryptonians, then wiped out their entire planet using their greatest weakness. I see a pattern building in these scores... I think it's fair to to give Darth Vader a point for every Kryptonian he killed. All of them are, after all, potential supermen.

Score: Darth Vader: 1,000,000   Superman: 1

I think I can stop here. Superman really doesn't stand much of a chance when you think about it. What can I say, Darth Vader is just that good.

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