Back when we were arguing over Plate Tectonics and its validity, there was much discussion about rocks and how they have moved over the years. There were many cases in which people pointed out that rocks in Northern Canada are exactly the same as rocks found in, Ireland, for example. I have this terrible day-dreaming problem, and when I was listening to my professor talk about these moving rocks, I couldn't help but let my mind run away with its self.
Moving rocks... Walking rocks... What if rocks had legs? How cool would that be?! Yea, exactly. The Pet Rock wouldn't be so stupid then, would it! Granted, gardening would be difficult if all your garden rocks up and walked away if they got bored, but hey, they are rocks. I bet they could spend a real long time sitting and doing nothing. After all, they are millions of years old! A human lifetime probably passes them by in a heartbeat.
Still, it would be cool to have a pet rock that walked around. They would probably walk very very slowly though. I mean, it's a rock, you can't ask it to be a speed demon when all its life it has been sitting around doing nothing. But then, on the other side of the coin, it has a lot of lost time to make up for. Maybe they would be fast. Maybe we would slow them down.
Crimes would be easier too. If you could throw a rock at a car, or through a window, and then it would get up and walk away... Just think of the possibilities here. Walking pet weapons. You can't just pick up your puppy and throw it at someone because you are angry, but a rock! Oh, what a world it would be!
Rocks are cool today, just as they are, but walking rocks- now there's a future I look forward to.
1 comment:
"You know I never claimed
that I was a stone.
And you love a stone.
You love white veins,
you love hard grey,
the heaviest weight,
the clumsiest shape,
the earthiest smell,
the hollowest tone
you love a stone.
You love a stone,
because it's dark and it's old,
and if it could start
being alive
you'd stop living alone.
And I think I believe that,
if stones could dream,
they'd dream of being laid
and turned into a castle
for some towering queen
they're unable to know."
-Excerpt from Okkervil River's "A Stone," off their album Black Sheep Boy
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