Friday, August 10, 2007


Have you noticed how the horror film genre has started to slowly step into the shadows in recent years? Have you seen how little people seem phased by the threat of nuclear fallout or chemical warfare? Have you picked up on how unconcerned most people are by the famine, starvation, rape, murder, and genocide that is taking place constantly over our entire planet?

Welcome, to my generation.

I've seen a lot in my life; more than most people could dream to see in ten lifetimes, and I (hopefully) have another 60 years under my belt. I remember being six and watching footage of starving children and being pushed to tears, hearing stories or murders and being scared to go further than five feet of my parents, or hearing threats of nuclear fallout and chemical weapons and being so afraid I wanted to run and buy a radiation suit immediately. Not anymore.

I say this with great regret, but these emotions are dead to me. I am not afraid of being murdered. I keep an eye out for foolish situations that could put me in such a position, but I am not afraid of it anymore. It does not stop me from living my life. I know the threat of nuclear war is growing every day, and yet I couldn't care less. I am not concerned for my life, nor am I worried that if/when it happens, I will most likely die a horrible and painful death. And what gets to me most; I do not even feel even remotely as bad as I did when I was six for all the famine that plagues our planet. Why? Because this is the world as it is today.

I am not the only one. Oh no, I am far from the only one. My generation is full of people who hardly care. Horror films no longer scare us because we expect such events in our daily lives. Genocide has been an issue for so long that the thought is just there, embedded into our minds as something that just seems to happen. Famine is a problem that no matter what we do, we can't seem to fix, so why let it bother us? We are, in all sense of the words, a broken generation.

I just figured I would make you feel bad about being who you are. Way to be heartless. Now start caring dammit, this world needs to fix its self!