Thursday, August 16, 2007


INTRO NOTE: I apologize to my avid readers for missing the past several days. It has been busy around here, what with the upcoming return to my education and the recently presented bad news which I will avoid putting you through. All the same, to make up for a lack of previously posted thoughts, expect to see several new posts per day for the next few days. On that note, here is today's.


As I have progressed through life, I have gone through a number of stages in which my opinion of napping has drastically warped. The clock dates back to the very beginning of my existence, a time filled with crying and fidgeting with absolutely no motor skills what-so-ever. Those were the very first days of my life, and at the time, a point filled with the love of naps.

It’s funny how that changes though. As you get older, you start to rebel against those things that are considered childish. For example, when I started to grow, I realized I hated napping. What a fool I was. At six and seven, naps were no longer an issue. I abandoned a life I would soon realize I missed.

At sixteen, the nights became shorter and the days longer. Naps became the only way to make up for lost energy in my sleep-deprived nights. Then, it was out of necessity, not love, that I chose to nap.

Now, at the ripe young age of 20, naps are a thing of the past. I miss them, oh do I miss them, but there is simply not enough time in the day to waste on such frivolous activities. I am a fool, I know, but that is the way the path has turned, and I must continue onwards until I can find an alternate route.

I hope that one day, I become like my grandmother. She, like all wise and elderly people, naps several times a day. I am jealous of her commitment. If only I could operate in such a manner… If only…

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