Monday, July 23, 2007


I read an article today about a new strand of HIV that is almost completely immune to our current methods of slowing the STI's (STD's) spread. It appears that this new strand of HIV will most likely become dominant in almost all future cases of HIV contractions. Basically, all the work we've done on HIV up until now; wasted.

This just sucks.

HIV is pretty shitty to begin with, but come on, invincible HIV! What the hell?! Who is doing this to us? What person is messing with genetics and sleeping around so much that they are creating Super-HIV. Whoever it is, they have a lot of explaining to do. Sex is too fun to have it spoiled by the fear of contracting unbeatable death.

There is one plus to this, however. It further proves me correct. All good things are eventually spoiled by something far worse than you could ever imagine. You just wait, we'll find a way to beat this unstoppable HIV, and then what will happen? All the penis' in the world will just drop off. The world sucks like that. It likes being a total bitch.

The moral of this post: stop sleeping around! I don't want my penis to drop off. Not one bit.

1 comment:

Lantzolot said...

Assuming all the Super HIV penis' fall off, we won't have to worry about any contracting the MEGADEATH strand...I think i just may move to Canada just to be safe. I'd move to Australia (come on, like no AIDS probably doesn't even exist there) but they probably mistake be for a damn Abo, and it would be apartheid all over again.