Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I have said many times just how much I dislike Mac's:


Well, I think it's time for me to make a counterpoint. As someone who knows how to use a PC with above average skills, it is difficult for me to admit this, but there is a feature about Macs that just might be a little bit better than PC's. I recently wiped my PC completely clean. It was acting up, going a bit too slow for my liking, so I decided to get rid of a few programmes to speed things up. I didn't really want to spend a week hunting down problem-programmes, however, so I went out, bought a 250GB hard drive, backed up my essentials, and restored my PC to its factory settings. This was my "shortcut" to an otherwise agonizing week.


Clearly, it has been some time since I had to reinstall everything. It's not as fun and easy as one would think. Since I have wiped my computer clean, I have spent approximately 7 collective hours reinstalling everything I need. I'm about 45%  done. 

It is for this reason that I am doing something that I don't often do. I'm admitting that I was wrong. Mac's aren't all bad. They do have one extremely redeeming feature: they keep trucking on at the same speed as the day you bought them, 3 years after you first turned it on. 

However, I still would never get a Mac. 

They're awful...

... just like those who use them.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Chinese Miracle

Today I was flipping through the multiple channels of the sky news website when i stumbled across this badboy of an article:


For those of you who, like me, would just skip over the link without bothering to read it, allow me to explain: An 80 year old half-paralyzed man was discovered in China 11 (eleven!) days after being buried alive by rubble in the semi-recent earthquakes. Apparently, he survived because his wife kept passing him food through an opening which joined their two chambers of trapped isolation. 

This sparked a large number of questions for me.

First, how was this woman getting food? Was she just fortunate enough to be trapped next to a fridge? Chances are really good that if a building is going to collapse on you, you are going to use up all of your luck just living through the collapse. I don't think fate is as generous as to grant you easy access to a refrigerator as well as a nook with air and space to survive. No, I think things may be a bit worse than that. Look at these people. They are 80 years old. They need protein to survive, and lots of it. So, two 80 year old people trapped underground in need of food and protein... perhaps they ate another person? That would be more reasonable, don't you think? They are trapped underground and need food, perhaps a son/daughter-in-law got trapped with them. If the person wasn't loved, it wouldn't be hard for the oldies to consume them in order to survive.

Still, this is pretty crazy. 80 year old people aren't supposed to survive collapsing buildings! If an old lady sits down too hard she shatters her pelvis! This man as trapped underneath a beam for almost two weeks, and somehow, he come out the same way he went in: semi-paralyzed. Crazy. I think the key here is the fact that these people are Asian. If they were white, those old farts would've been dead before the quake had even brought down their house. White people don't deal with pressure well. Look at New Orleans. When those levies broke and that water came pouring in, how many black people migrated to Houston for relief? A lot. How many white people? None. Why? They all drowned! It's a shame, but it's true. We, as white people, are doomed to die whenever anything bad happens. 

It kinda makes me sad I'm not Asian... and 80...