Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Yes, our Olympians are 16...

As everyone knows, the Olympics are on. It's strange though, because this time people are actually watching them. I don't know if it was because they were held in the southern hemisphere four years ago, but no one above the equator seemed bothered to tune in. The viewing audience consisted of those third world countries that have a TV/Person ratio of 1:28319, and Australia. This year, however, people are pulling up chairs and watching the Olympics. It's on almost everywhere you go, and on multiple televisions. I suppose it's because of this that I have some questions to ask:

What are the American girls doing? I saw a 21 year old woman doing gymnastics! People shouldn't be competing in gymnastics if they are over 17, and I'm being generous. That 21 year old fell off the balance beam, and then ass planted on her next event also! She's killing the team!

China has the right idea though. Their girls are all below the age of 12. I'm sorry, but China, you aren't fooling anyone. We know their passports say they are 16, and can legally compete in the Olympics, but you also have to remember that we know you are China. We know you have no qualms with cheating. We also know what a girl looks like when she's 8 and not 16. Surprisingly, there's quite a difference. You may be wrapped up in the stereotype that we think you all look alike, but we aren't that stupid! If I can tell the difference between a 4 month puppy and a 6 month puppy, I'm pretty sure I know that a human being is between the age bracket of 8-12 instead of 15-17. That's not a hard thing to figure out.

But hey, you're China, you can do what you want. When the Olympics are being held in London, we'll see how many 12 year old girls you'll be competing with!

...Probably a lot. England doesn't like confrontation with foreigners anymore.

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