Friday, July 17, 2009

Golf-Run Derby

I was watching the Home Run Derby the other day on ESPN. I know, who knew right, James was watching a sport that wasn't football! Oh, and when I say football, I mean real football. Not that broke-ass game Americans call football, which oddly enough is played with your hands. But i digress.

So I was watching the Home Run Derby, and I realized something. The Home Run Derby is basically just a game of Golf in which you don't get to drive a cool little cart around everywhere you go. Honestly, I think that makes Home Run Derby a little less interesting, but hey, I've always loved go-karts. Again, I digress. My apologies.

Here's how I see the two games:

Home Run Derby: A game played involving a stick and a ball in which you use the stick to send the ball towards a given target or goal.

Golf: A game played involving a stick and a ball in which you use the stick to send the ball towards a given target or goal.

I tried pretty hard to come up with a few solid differences between the two games, but all I could muster was this:

The only difference between Home Run Derby and Golf is that in the Home Run Derby, they supply you with clothing that makes you look like a jackass. In Golf, it's a competition to see who can dress like the biggest idiot on his or her own.

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