Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Love Me, No Matter What.

Have you ever heard anyone say the words "I'll love you, no matter what"? I have. In fact, I was watching TV last night and someone said it on a show I was watching. It got me thinking, could I ever love someone no matter what? Would I ever want someone to love me no matter what?

Definitely not.

Think about it. Loving someone no matter what they do, no matter what they say, no matter where they go. Completely unconditional love and devotion. Dogs don't even have that kind of loyalty, and we look at them as the most loving creatures in the world. I don't think I could handle being with someone who let me get away with everything. Where's the fun in that?

And yet for some reason, people consider those words romantic. I'll love you honey, no matter what. It makes people smile, puts butterflies into the stomachs of millions. But they are words of failure. To love somebody no matter what allows them to do anything, to you and to themselves. It's sort of stupid.

I think we need to start thinking about what we say. So, I've got a new one for you. How about from now on we say this: "I'll never love you forever. I'll love you as long as you continue to make me smile, you stay by my side, and you always put me first." But then, that's sort of long. How about this:

"I'll love you until you fuck up."

1 comment:

Mike Schwirian said...

I'll love you for ever, James. No matter what.