Monday, October 29, 2007

No Mac for Me

Yesterday, my blog was posted using a MAC PC. I don't know what you call a MAC PC, but the laptops are macbooks and ibooks and other strange stuff like that. I'm assuming it's something crazy like that- maybe macscreen or itower. I could Google it, but that would be showing an interest, which would completely counterbalance this entire post. What I'm really trying to get at is this: I don't like Apple computers.

The best part about that statement is the series of reactions that just followed. See, people who use Apple computers are a bit like a religious cult. They are clearly the minority, but they believe there are a lot more people out there just like them, when really, there aren't. I can pretty much guarantee that the second I said "I don't like Apple computers", all the Apple users out there said together: "Well, you're an idiot!"

Wrong Apple users. But then, you are using an Apple computer, so being wrong must be something you're used to by now. I'm sorry, I'm getting off topic. Allow me to explain myself. First of all, Apple and Microsoft are the same company, headed by the same honcho. So why make them so different? I know that Apple's tend to be computers for idiots, and then there are those people who love video editing (the only reason I see someone getting an Apple), but why do regular people buy them? Well, they are great if you have no f-ing clue what you are doing. I mean, everything the computer can do is on the desktop, the mouse only has one button, and all the programmes are super basic.

So I guess the reason I don't like them is because I'm not stupid. I like complicated stuff, and I like to be able to break everything down to the last bit, then rebuild it into a new file. I bet you can't do that, Mr. Apple Owner. So, let me throw that previous statement you made back in your face: Who's the idiot now?