Sunday, July 22, 2007

Hindered by Reading

What with the recent boom of the Harry Potter franchise, I have found myself wrapped up in a series of events I did not wish to be a part of. The newest book, of which I regrettably own three copies, has sucked in countless hundreds of thousands all across the globe. It is for this reason, that I too have begun reading.

I will admit, I started Harry Potter, and was not entertained. I am currently half-way through the book, and have put it down to entertain myself with more enjoyable literature. Ender's Game, for example, has sustained me through the past two days of forcing myself to read through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Still, I must push onwards, for many people will be talking about it, and for some reason people seem to want my opinion of the book. It is a strange feeling, having people ask me what I think of something, for as far as my official qualifications extend, I am in no better position than you to comment. Still, I must fulfill my role as your friend, and respond in kind.

Expect a review of the book in a later post. Until then, I am sorry for not writing a more entertaining post. I have had little time to consider the world as I have been buried in literature. Alas, I shall be done with painful reading by this time tomorrow, and promise to return to my usual posting routine as soon as I have finished.

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