Friday, July 27, 2007

The Way It's Told

I remember growing up and having my parents tell me all the classic "truths" about the world. All people have some good in them. All people, even if it's very deep down, are beautiful. Liars are the worst kinds of people. The list, of course, goes on, but for the sake of this particular argument, I will leave it at those three. See, from the very beginning, my parents disproved one of those three, and by extension made me question all the others.

See, as I have grown and added my own opinions to the pot of information that was forced on me in my youth, I have come to take note of many valuable pools of truth. My parents, though they did not mean to at the time, proved as they spoke that they themselves are just like everyone else. They are liars. Everyone lies, and most of those people lie constantly. It doesn't make them bad; it makes them human.

Countless interactions with other members of my species have taught me never to trust anyone, even those I love. I say this not out of malice, but because of both the validity of the statement, and the experiences I have had to support it. Some people do have good in them, yes. In fact, I do believe that most people have good in them, and are controlled by that good for most of their lives. However, that good is not permanent. Evil is far more powerful than good could ever dream to be, and so while people are out doing thankless deeds of kindness, the evil within them begins to fester and grow. At someone point, everyone breaks. Everyone acts to better only themselves in a manor of selfish empowerment. It is just the truth of our species. Even those we love will hurt us, and most of the time their cuts run the deepest, and heal the slowest.

I do not say any of this to bring down your opinion of the world. I only speak what I am thinking today because recently, I have done the very things I just described. I allowed evil to get the better of my good, and I acted to hurt. I would say I'm sorry, but then that would make me a liar, and I would be continuing down the path of proving my ideas right. And no one wants that.

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