Sunday, July 1, 2007

My Amazing Dream

Last night, I had one of the best dreams I've ever had in my life. I want to share this with all of you because in the recent past, my dreams have been haunting me. Not last night. Last night was a dream so loaded with excitement, adrenaline, passion, and the fight for survival that I woke up shaking with joy. What made it better? When I woke up because I needed a drink of water (most likely because of all the imaginary running I was doing), the second I closed my eyes, I sank right back into this puppy! That never happens with good dreams! Here's how things went down.

The setup was in London, in an apartment that one of my fathers friends owned. For some reason, my family owned it now. Things were normal to begin with, and I believe we were eating dinner and talking as a family sometimes does. Then, out of nowhere, the building started shaking. Outside our window, we could hear things exploding, car alarms going off, people screaming. I immediately ran to the window and found the sky to be completely over overcast with clouds so dark that the sun could barely shine through. The world became similar to a night with no moon. Then, I saw it, the thing object that was setting the stage for the rest of my dream; an Alien battle ship so large, it covered the entire city of London.

Then they came. Beams of light shot down to the ground, and Aliens descended onto the planet. For those of you that have seen Alien the movie, the Aliens somewhat resembled them. They were larger, about twice the size of a human, and they stood up on their hind legs. They had a tail, which on the end had a blade so sharp it could cut through bone like butter. Their hands had enormous claws on them, and they could see in the dark better than the light. They were killing machines, and they were scouring the surface of London, possibly the world.

The door to our apartment flew open, and one came charging in at us. The family scattered, all of us in different directions. My brother and I headed for the stares, straight for our rooms. You see, we have an obsession with swords. Together, we own about nine or ten. So, up we went, followed by the sounds of an over sized beast smashing up our apartment. Both of us grabbed our weapons; mine just so happened to be a katana (which was a lot sharper in my dream than in real life).

I sprinted back out into the hallway to find Robert (my brother) already fighting off the Alien. Neither of us have much combat training outside of two months of fencing classes, and for some reason, the dream actually incorporated that. Robert fought well, but not well enough. The tail whipped around and grazed his cheek, slicing open his face. Immediately, I charged forward and jumped onto the Alien's back, thrusting my sword into its chest. The beast screamed, staggered, and fell to the ground dead.

This was when I woke up. I had my glass of water, and sank right back into the dream.

It was now six years later. Human kind had been fighting the war non stop, but we were losing. I was scarred badly, obviously having had many encounters with the Aliens over the years. We were somewhere underground, in a safe house. I was clad in full black armour which resembled Kevlar, but I can't be sure. I can tell you it didn't do much.

There were a large number of us protecting the bunker. A call came in on a radio, summoning the final defense to the inner defenses. That apparently was my group. My brother, me, and several others including my father sprinted from the room. We exited our underground sanctuary into a run-down building. Screams echoed across the crumbling halls, and as we cast around looking for the enemy, a wall shattered to the ground and at least fifteen of them came charging in at us. Together we fought, taking out as many as we can. I got into a one-on-one battle with one of the monsters, who threw his tail outwards and slashed open my armour, grazing my chest and causing blood to seep down my stomach. I staggered backwards, drew a short sword from my back, and hurled it at the monster's chest. It hit, and the Alien fell backwards in a pool of its own blood.

The fight continued, and eventually, all the monsters were eliminated. Not before we had lost half of our defenders, however. We had been hit hard, and many of the survivors were wounded. Together, we walked back to the underground bunker, where we sat in silence. Then, I woke.

What a fun dream it was! I sense a short story being born... I'm on it! (Don't worry, I promise I'll write it a lot better than I did this blog).

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