Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Key's to Happiness

Everyone has those people who influence their happiness. For me, that person is constantly changing. From day to day, I never really know who that person is going to be. There have been times when that person has remained the same for longer than usual. For example, my past girlfriends have held the key to my happiness for extremely long periods of time. Now, however, the keys to my happiness are being passed around a select number of people who know absolutely nothing about each other, nor do they even realize that they are the few who balance my happiness on the tips of their fingers.

I have always found it difficult to trust others. I am independent to the extreme, almost to the point where I would rather do everything myself. The idea of giving others power over my happiness is a very scary thought. It unnerves me, leaves me feeling vulnerable. But there is no way to avoid it, is there?

The question's for today are simple in the asking, but I expect they will not remain so in the response. Think hard for a second. For some of you, you will answer this without the slightest hesitation. For others, perhaps you won't even be able to draw from you unconscious mind the answers I seek. Who holds the key to your happiness right now? Are they using it responsibly? Do they even know?

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