Sunday, August 12, 2007

Colour Film Negative

Ever wonder what the world would be like in Negative form? I often mess around with the video camera and set it to the colour film negative setting, record a few things, and then admire the world in all the splendor of everything being backwards. It gets you thinking though, doesn't it? What if everything was backwards? What if our perception is just all out of whack?

What if really, everything we do with our right hand is really our left hand, and everything we do with our left hand is really our right hand? What if up was down, and down was up? Backwards was forwards, in was out, forward was backwards? What if everything you had ever been told, everything you had ever believed, was wrong?

How would you take it?

I'd be pissed. I'm one of those people who likes to be right. I'm alright with being wrong assuming you have ample evidence supporting your claim. Otherwise, I just get pissed. I think if someone told me absolutely everything I ever believed was wrong, I'd be a little pissed off. But then this is one of those situations where I'd probably rather be ignorant. I don't like ignorance, not one bit, but come on, if everything I had ever known was wrong... ignorance doesn't seem so bad anymore.

Good thing I'm not wrong. The world might crack in two, and then we really would be in a world of trouble.

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