Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The "Different" Days

Most days have a tendency to form a routine in some sense. There are very few people who wake up and have no idea what their day is going to be like. Even if the plans you make are as simple as "eat, work, drink, poop, and sleep", you are still expecting something of your day. What's really odd are those 'different' days. They are the ones that just stand out and scream "By the way, today, you aren't being you!". I've been having a few of those.

Before I really get started, I need to explain a few things for the readers that don't know me. I can't stand unhygienic areas. Period. I can't stand that feeling of being dirty, or that feeling of being with someone who is dirty, but worst of all, I can't stand being in a room that makes me afraid to touch even the floor I am standing on. I shower every day, sometimes twice. I brush my teeth obsessively, usually five or six times a day. I wash my hair on a "one day on, one day off" schedule. I am even one of those few men that change their sheets more than once a month.

So, given all that, you can understand just how odd these past few days have been. I woke up on Sunday at around 17:30. My sleep schedule was completely out of whack, what with constant reading of books and going through the second edit of the book I myself have written. I spent that whole night in a white undershirt and my PJ pants. I fell asleep the following day at around 13:30 in those cloths, woke up the same night at around 19:30 and went through that day without leaving my room.

When I fell asleep on Tuesday, I woke up and went straight to my computer. As I sat there, I looked down at myself and realized something awful. I had been in my PJ's for almost 72 hours without changing, showering, or leaving the house. I felt disgusting. I couldn't shower because it was too late at night... or perhaps early in the morning? So, I sat there until early this morning rolled around. As soon as that sun hit the horizon, my ass was naked and in the shower.

I washed about twenty times, scrubbed my hair three or four times, and even shaved my beard off (something I haven't done in a year). I tell you what, I have never felt so clean in all my life. It was wonderful. And there you have it, my story of a very different sequence of days in the life of James. A lot of other stuff happened, but it's private to me, so keep your nose in your own business.

I apologize for the level of boring that this post supplied. I will write another one later today to compensate. I'll go hit up the political news pages on my Wii, there's bound to be something unbearably funny happening in the world today. There always is.

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