Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Flipping Through My Topics

After eighty some-odd posts, I must admit, I find myself experiencing a bit of deja vu when it comes to writing this blog. The world just seems to run circles around me, tricking me into writing about something I believe is new and unique, but really, it is exactly the same as something I wrote last week. Those who haven't noticed, I write this blog around three focal issues.

Number one: Stupidity.

Number two: Ideas that are born within my head but have absolutely no legitimate backing to them.

Number three: Interesting events I have experienced.

I will admit I have the tendency to mix and match, sometimes I'll even draw an idea from somewhere completely outside of those three focal topics. But for the bulk of my writings and the sake of argument, let's just say that this is the outline I follow. It is my creative process. Here's how it's done.

Writing about stupid things that take place in the world is obviously my favourite. Those posts are full of passion and usually take up the most time and space. They are usually the longest and I have the most to say about the issue. They are at the very least entertaining, if not down right funny, and can always be summarized by my disbelief in humanity as a whole.

Writing about crazy ideas I have is my second favourite of topics. For a while, it was my first, but time changes all things, including this. My ideas are usually very interesting to me, but I'm not always sure they will be interesting to you. That's why they are number two. I don't want to bore my readers to death, and so, I only pick this topic when something that was born in my mind has influenced me deeply.

Writing about events that I have experienced is my least favourite. They are usually the shortest, and I have the least to say. Normally it is just a random story that only a few would be interested in. I make a mental note to relate the story to you in some way, be it through a moral or asking a question at the end that applies on a more universal scale. But in the end, I am just writing about myself. In some sense of the matter, it is a good way for you to learn a little about me, but most of the time, it's just a story of something awful that happened to me designed to make you chuckle at my misfortune.

I tell you all this not because I am out of ideas; far from it. In fact, I believe this crazy mind of mine will have a new idea for a blog for many more years to come. The world is too full of stupid people for me to run out of things to say in that department alone. No, I am telling you all this so that tomorrow when you read my post, or maybe the day after, or perhaps even the day after that, and you think to yourself "I believe he said something like this earlier..." you will not judge me for it. I am working from a source that seems to make the same mistakes over and over again. But what can we do about it- it's our planet, and we are obligated to love it. It's not like we have anywhere else to go.

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