Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Evidence of Non-information

Today I am going to throw out a question. It is one that has been plaguing my mind for years now, and alone, I am completely unable to solve it. There is just too much non-information out there for me to determine what is legit, and what isn't. For those who don't know, non-information is information about an issue, person, place, or thing that has absolutely no real effect on the world. In this case, the non-information I am discussing is the evidence, or lack-there-of, that bumper stickers actually effect people's decisions in life.

Which leads me to my question, or I suppose, questions: Has a bumper sticker ever made you change your mind about anything... ever? Second, do you know anyone who has been swayed by a bumper sticker they have seen? Third, do those people who put bumper stickers on their vehicles designed to sway opinions and alter perceptions actually believe this method of conversion is an effective one?

I for one have never been even remotely inclined to believe anything that the back of a car is telling me. For example, the bumper sticker that reads "God loves you" has never made me say to myself, "you know what James, if God loves you, you should really start loving him back! Time to drop the atheism and grab a Bible! God loves me!" In fact, I pretty much feel that the person with said bumper sticker loses all credibility at the very moment I read the words he has plastered to his vehicle.

I've often heard that this is a form of self expression. Fair enough, that explains about five percent of the worlds bumper stickers. Anything that doesn't have a message to anyone else. For example, flag stickers. I have one of those on my car. It's an expression of who I am as a person, and it's completely impossible for anyone driving behind me to actually do anything in their life to adopt my country as their own. It's for me, and no one else.

What about the other ninety-five percent? What about those bumper stickers that say things like "Keep honking, I'm reloading my gun". I have something to say to those people: First off, if we're honking at you it's because you are a terrible driver. For one thing, reloading your gun is only going to confirm that simple fact; you shouldn't be behind the wheel of a deadly weapon. Second, if you are reloading you gun, how are you paying attention to the road? What's wrong with you! Two hands on the wheel, eyes forward, and pay attention! Who taught you how to drive?!

Another one that just gets under my skin is "Baby in vehicle". Thank for letting me know? If I happen to crash into you, I'll be sure to crash carefully... What the hell is that bumper sticker supposed to tell me? Should my methods of crashing into you be different from anyone else I may accidentally hit? Should I be throwing little candies at your car to satisfy the cute little child sitting in a car seat inside? What do you want from me?!

These are just a few of the mysteries of the bumper sticker world, and I ask you, my friends, to help me solve them. This is now your burden, also, so bare it well.

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