Tuesday, August 28, 2007

One Hundred Days of Glory

Today I want to start out with a tribute to someone special. This person is a wonderful human, he's hard working, he's committed to those he loves, and he makes a conscious effort to help the world via a detailed process of talking crap and doing nothing. So, before I start, I just want to say thank you to this wonderful man. So here it is, my congratulations and thanks, to one Mr. James R. Mitchener, author of the Mitchener Mind. In other words, Me.

I speak with such high regard because today is a special day for everyone. See, today is the day I proved almost all of you wrong. When the Mitchener Mind started, I had several comments from lesser friends stating that "Oh James, you'll give up writing that before the month is over." That was a mere 30 days of writing. I proved you all wrong. See, today is special not because I have passed a month of writing, or even two, or even three. Today is special because over three months after starting this blog, I have finally completed my one hundredth post. That's right, today's post will mark up the 100th Mitchener Mind.

So for those of you who have been with me from the begining. Those of you who have waited for me to write something new every day. Those of you who have called me up, emailed me, IMed me, or text me saying "YOU MISSED A DAY!" when I became lazy. Thank you. You have helped keep the Mitchener Mind going, for who is a writer without an audience? And though you may be of a rather unique bracket of personalities, which you prove regularly by signing onto my blog and reading the nothings sprawled across this page, you are my fuel. I write all of this for you.

So I think it's safe for me to look back today and smile, because as of right now, I have written 100 different posts all for you.

And now I raise my glass, to 100 more.

1 comment:

Mike Schwirian said...

Congratulations, sir. I've never lost faith in you... mostly because you'd never let me live it down...