Saturday, August 25, 2007


I was skimming the wonderful world of the internet to present you with something mildly amusing to read about. Well, as far as my sense of humour goes, I found it:

The title of the article pretty much says it all. This woman, Judy Ulch (tough break on that name...), claims she can see dead people. Big deal, a lot of people say that. I even saw a movie once where a kid could see dead people. What makes her so special? Allow me to enlighten you. She is part of a "Dead People Camp". That's right, she works in a camp where, apparently, the deceased indivudals of the living gather in their life of limbo. It is in this camp that Judy Ulch will allow you to convene with the dead at the modest fee of $80 an hour.

Judy Ulch, you just got put on my list of one of the worlds biggest assholes. Way to go. Here's an idea, I'll give you $80 if you stop filling people's heads with lies. Llet them get over their losses! How are they going to get by if they believe those they loved are still around?! There's a seat reserved in Hell for you right next to mine, so I can't wait to spend eternity telling you how terrible of a person you were in life. I hope you are ready.

It's people like this that really bug me. But they aren't entirely to blame. These "readers", as they like to be called, are without a doubt incredibly stupid individuals, but they do have one redeeming quality. They have identified a stupid that runs even deeper than their own; the willingness to believe anything. They are taking advantage of those without common sense and manipulating a very large number of the unintelligent. In some ways, I respect you, but your complete lack of morals bothers me. Even I have some things that I simply won't do, and this is one of them.

Shocked? Me too, actually. But only a little.

1 comment:

Bryan said...

‫i found this symbol that if you paste it then begin typing, your text will be backwards

its the swirly thing in the next comment.