Monday, September 24, 2007

Am I Right or Just Pretending?

The mind is a wonderful piece of machinery. Several months ago, I wrote a post about how the brain has the ability to create artificial memories, also known as memory implantation. I also talked about how the body adjusts to certain levels of stress and emotional trauma. Certain people get better better after a traumatic event faster than others do, and some people simply never get better. I divulged into how the mind may simply be adjusting its self to a new base rate as the default level of normality. I also explained how this may be a valid theory because the brain has absolutely no way to remember emotions, but rather groups memories based on how the emotion makes the feel at the time. Here's a link to that post to give you greater understanding of the mental process:

I was thinking a lot about emotions today, and how little I seem to care about so many things that once would have ripped me apart. It seems that I have desensitized so much that things that once would have left me on the brink of tears now just seem like inevitable outcomes to a world that is full of humility and regret. Sad, isn't it. I'm not trying to be, I promise. I was just thinking.

That lead me to, for some reason, thinking about how often I have convinced myself I am right, even when I know I'm wrong. I usually make a game out of it, trying to convince others that what I'm saying is one hundred percent correct, even when I know that in truth I am just plain wrong. I tend to do that a lot on this blog. It's fun, because a lot of people simply don't realize what I'm up to. I've had several comments about how terrible of a person I am, when really, I am just making you look like an ass form my perspective. It's great.

Still, it makes me wonder, when looking back on certain events, how often everything happened exactly as I remembered it. I make up a lot of stuff, and have an overly active imagination. I wonder how much of that is added into my memories?

Anyhow, that's really it for today. I don't have much of anything useful or funny to tell you. My brain is preoccupied with upcoming events of the present. Perhaps I'll have more to say tomorrow. Ha, I always have more to say tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't easier to 'pretend'?