Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sinners Bliss

Sinners be damned! Or I suppose, Sinners be happy! I have stumbled across a way that you and I can still get into heaven! Every contract has its loopholes, and we all know that the Bible, in which the guidelines for getting into heaven were documented, was written so long ago that it is in dire need of updating. The problem is, God hasn't spoken to us for a while, and so there's no way to keep up to speed with human development. Looks like we outfoxed you, God! But that's not the important part. Thanks to God's inability to update his guidelines for entrance into the pearly gates, what with modern medicine, we are now easily able to be part of a loophole. What loop hole? Self Sacrifice.

Here's how to do it:

1) Become an organ donor.

2) Have it documented that if you are to slip into a vegetative state, you want to be taken off life support.

That's it! You are now in the loophole with the rest of us sinning organ donors! You see, by becoming an organ donor, you are saying that you want to die to give others the opportunity to live. Granted, death only comes when you are unable to be saved, but that doesn't change the fact that you are giving up what remains of your life to have all your organs removed and given to another individual. You are a hero! I'm sure God knows about this loophole, but he certainly can't punish us for something we don't know we aren't allowed to do. The way the whole God structure works is based entirely on justice and balance. He would be unjust to punish us for breaking laws he has not made.

So, off you go. Sin. Be free! And hope that when you die, you die in a manner that ends up allowing you to donate your organs to another person. If not, you're going straight to Hell. In my opinion, it's worth a shot.

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