Friday, September 14, 2007

Tricky Words

Though I am a firm believer that George W. Bush couldn't stand on his own two feet on the terrible game show "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader", I do believe that of those people he surrounds himself with, at least two of them are incredibly intelligent. For those who did not know, earlier this year George W. ordered a massive surge of troops to enter Iraq to ensure victory in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Apparently, George W. and I have different sources for our information, because as far as my knowledge extended, the war had ended when we finally found all those weapons of mass destruction. Oh, wait, no, they didn't exist.

Still, someone that is close to George W. must have convinced him to insert more troops in Iraq. If you think about it, it's a genius plan. Bush's support is so low it really doesn't matter what he does. He could probably call a press conference, come out dressed in his boxers (which would most certainly bare an American Flag), stand at the podium, and then take a crap in his hand and start throwing it at the press. I think the headline the following day would read "Bush continues to throw out the same old shit!", accompanied by the mass public response of "well, yea..." So, as far as doing something negative, he can't really suffer any further. So, off go all these new troops to Iraq to do absolutely nothing with all the other troops that are there.

What next? Pull the troops out! Wait maybe a year, then just yank those troops out of Iraq and say you are withdrawing some troops because you feel like you're winning. The headline "Bush begins troop withdrawal!" will appear all over the world, and people will be as happy as a lifetime pothead with a tumor and a full access pass to the Medical Marijuana supplies- all covered by his insurance.

Here's the link with the story:

Really, I just feel obligated to commend whoever it was that came up with this brilliant idea. This blatant manipulation of the publics interests is just fantastic, and Bush, you deserve a pat on the back for accepting this one. I think it's the first time I have ever been proud of you for being such a blatant liar. Way to go!

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