Saturday, September 15, 2007

Going for the Crown

Miss Venezuela was crowned the other day. It was big news in Venezuela, but the repercussions were heard around the world. Ironically, the reason for the popularity was not because of the new crown bearer, but rather because of the man who decided the crown belonged to him, and so hopped on stage and literally snatched it off Miss Venezuela's head.

I don't think we should jump to conclusions just yet. I think, before we judge this man, we should throw out all the possible reasons he chose to jump on stage, dodge those people escorting Miss Venezuela to her thrown, tackle the pageant queen, and then steal her crown.

The most obvious reason would be that he felt he should have been Miss Venezuela. He's either a little gender confused, or angry that he is prettier than her and yet she still won. It's not fair when unattractive people get a crown, but when a pretty person gets it who just isn't as pretty as you- now that has got to be infuriating.

Another possibility is that he wanted attention. Why do people streak? Because they know they'll get noticed, even if it does end in them being walked out of the stadium in cuffs with their dong flapping about between their legs. This guy may have had the same mindset. He saw the twinkly crown and thought "this is my time to shine!" and off he went to snatch the thing.

Honestly, I'm impressed with his commitment. The way he hauled himself up onto that stage, how he weaved himself around Miss Venezuela's escort- he was a man on a mission! He was even laughing as the cops dragged him outside!

That would be an interesting conversation starter while he's avoiding gang rape in prison.

Mr. Venezuela: What you in for?

Tough guy 1: Murder

Tough guy 2: Attempted murder

Tough guy 3: Rape

Tough guy 4: Assaulting a Pigster

Mr. Venezuela: I bitch-slapped Miss Venezuela and took her crown.

Really, I think this guy did the pageant world a favour. I can't remember the last time I was this excited about any beauty queen being crowned!

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