Friday, September 7, 2007


One of my favourite buttons on any instant messenger programme is the "Block" button. It makes me so happy that it's there. There is only one other button that rivals the "Block" button, and that's the "Reject Friend Request" on facebook. That's the one I usually use. It's nothing personal, it's just that I get a lot more pleasure from pushing that one than pushing "Accept". When I see the "Reject" button, I act like a moth hovering around a bare light bulb; I may try to stop myself, but in the end, I'm going to hit it.

But the "Block" button is wonderful. I wish I had more chances to use it. I don't like to be one of those people who blocks someone, and then unblocks them twenty minutes later. I think that kills the God-like power that accompanies the "Block". If you think about it, that's all it is; a humanistic power of God. Whenever I feel like it, I can stop whatever it is you want to say with the push of a single button.

I think the power of the "Block" is best implemented at that pivotal moment when someone is just about to start giving an argument their all. You have to work someone up to this point, taunting them, pulling them onwards with snide remarks designed to get them riled up. Then, when all is well, and they are about to explode, you throw in your final jab, and slap down on the "Block" button. Boy do they get pissed.

The "Block" even looks cool! In most instant messengers, it's the "NO SMOKING" ring, minus the cigarette. The best one is the sad face. I love it! Every time I get to push in that frowning face, it makes me smile. Why? Because I know that somewhere, sitting in front of a computer, someone just got so pissed off they are about to scream. The sad face just seems so fitting for that situation, don't you think?

Now go, enjoy the power of the "Block". It is one of your few God-like abilities, so use it well.

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