Friday, June 8, 2007

Broken Beauty

Life is so much more beautiful when it's broken. Not completely shattered, though there are times when despair has its moments of perfection, but I would say that when life is taking its toll on an individual, it has the tendency to be the most beautiful.

Think about it. People read romance because of how it makes them feel inside. When is that pivotal moment in which the person feels strongest for the character? When they are confronted with losing everything. When that fracture of damage is done, and one wrong move could push them to the brink of losing everything; but they don't. It's in that one moment that every readers thinks "this is so sad that it's perfect."

Life has a tendency to be the same way. I hate feeling alone, depressed, or as if I'm going to lose something that I love. But it's in that moment that the true beauty of my life comes out. It's there that I can see, without the slightest bit of doubt, the beauty that runs through my commitment.

I suppose in some sense, I'm not as pessimistic as I thought. There must be some optimism in me, to see the beauty of the worst moments of my life, and still find the strength to force out a smile. Even if it's just a small one.

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